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Species Guide

Binomial Name: Aetas Angelus

Common Name: Hirschelfen (may be referred to as perytons or false fauns as well.)

Chromosome counts:  64

Average Height: 167 cm

Average Lifespan: 55 (male/buck) 80 (female/doe)

Diet: Omnivorous

Gestation: ≈305 days

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 « Origin »
 « Anatomy »

     Established in the 1930s as “human replacements” in Nazi Germany, the first strain of Hirschelfen (the “experimental” strain) to be created to be used on the frontline and viewed as “war machines.” The first line of Hirschelfen were hardy, and resilient creatures that had short life spans so they would serve their purpose, then be done away with without mess. 

    In the late 1940s as Strain-1 Hirschelfen were being first introduced to the war front, creation of the “aesthetic” strains were in the works. With efforts to try and maintain the hardiness of Strain-1 the next handful of strains were design to look more desirable in the mindset of Nazi Germany. All the while, other parts of Europe and the world discovered the new concoction species and started experimenting with their own versions of the faun-like creatures. 

     Out of the collection of countries trying to produce something similar, whilst also at war, Great Britain became the only other country to create strains that could survive on their own without human interference. Strain-GB4 considered the “Great Strain” presented the healthiest and most independent line of Hirschelfen. Being the most diverse of Hirschelfen appearance wise, Strain-GB4 had longer lifespans than any German strains. 



German strains, though achieving the aesthetics  desired, were riddled with health problems and birth defects thanks to inbreeding and rushed genetic tomfoolery. (Though, not to say GB strains didn’t have their lot of mutations…) Yet, they were the majority being produced. This was a mistake.

     As the 50s inched closer, Europe thoroughly battered by war, Hirschelfen began developing a strong distaste towards humans. Germany was in shambles at this point, having put many resources into the Hirschelfen who were now beginning to fight back against their makers. That’s when their makers realised the flaw in making Hirschelfen stronger than humans. Though Hirschelfen don’t have the same mental capacity as humans do, they had the brawn… and a new animalistic hatred towards mankind that was not hindering anytime soon. 

     Strain-1, now the oldest of the Hirschelfen, heading to their second generation, lead the retaliation towards the same people who built them to kill. The Hirschelfen from Germany, which now resided in a huge portion of Europe, were going by natural instincts to protect their species and humans were the threat.

     Rather than being concerned that the other side was being destroyed by its own creation, Britain and its allies were rejoicing as Germany was being taken

down. However, they neglected to realise this retaliation was spreading west. Before they knew it, Europe was over-run. 

     By the end of the 50s, and early 60s, Europe was Hirschelfen society now. The human population was so limited in Europe and parts of Asia that human culture was wiped out with that of Hirschelfen culture. By the 80s, there was no word of humans in Europe anymore. Hirschelfen had officially made it their own.

     The rest of the world accepted the loss of human inhabited land and welcomed those who got out before they were inevitably killed. Measures were put in to make sure the Hirschelfen population didn’t spread to the rest of the world. Though there are small pockets of Hirschelfen civilisations scattered outside of the main European location, those are typically heavily monitored and controlled. 

     Being created without the concept of advancing technology, Hirschelfen stay in a vastly 40s-50s esc society, with small influences from the little human interaction it had through the 60s. They avoid many modern day conveniences, preferring the technology present through the 40s-50s and frowning upon the idea of fixing something to them that isn’t broken. With centuries passed, Hirschelfen culture remains paused in history while the human world continues building on and respecting the distance between Hirschelfen. 

Inevitably, with Hirschelfen having human traits, that initial peace between all of them broke off and they split into two Empires, Fenland, and The Deautschrian Empire. 


Hirschelfen are bipedal humanoid creatures with digitigrade legs, feline tails, cervidae ears, and retractable claws. They’re lightweight and agile creatures, some strains even possessing hollow bones. Hirschelfen were designed to be a combination of cervidae, felines, humans, and avians. Majority of strains used Roe Deer, European wildcats or house cats, and a variety of birds of prey. 

     Although Hirschelfen appear like a stable and functional man-made species, they are prone to a multitude of mutations, deformities, and developmental hiccups. Their avian characteristic, though not as prominent as the other animals used, are cause of more major issues in Hirschelfen due to being the only gene components to not be from a mammal.


 Legs & Feet

     Hirschelfen have digitigrade, pawed, legs. Anatomically similar to a deer until switching to a paw after the hock. These legs are fragile and one has to take particular care to make sure they don't injure themselves. Hirschelfen wear lower leg protection similar to a horse polo wrap or tendon boots by personal preference to keep their legs safe. Possibly the most fragile portion of a Hirschelfen's body. 

   The conformation of their hind legs vary. Straighter legs are considered less attractive than legs with an exaggerated bend to them.

   Though they are considered deer-like limbs, rather than hopping or prancing like a deer, hirschelfen move in four different gaits, walk, jog, canter, and gallop, as if they were completely quadrupedal. 

 Ears & Navigation

   Though cutesy and fluffy, Hirschelfen ears are an important part of their appearance, socialising, and of course- hearing. Their ears are more efficient than a human's ear. These sensitive ears are able to hear miles away and even determine the distance of a sound. Their heightened hearing mixed with exceptional navigational skills allows Hirschelfen to navigate their environment with little outside help with directions. Once a Hirschelfen walks a path, they can rewalk that path from memory- whether they can describe how they got there is a different story.

     Ears are an important part of showing emotions and communication with Hirschelfen. An alert, upright ear can show other Hirschelfen around something is off, or a pinned back and low ear can warn another to back off, etc. 


 Eyes, Teeth, & Face

     Nothing makes a Hirschelfen's face different from a human's face besides the way they use it, their eyes, and teeth. Hirschelfen are more expressive and lively, barring their teeth, scrunching up their nose, and more, all mixed with a variety of vocalisations to get their emotions across. 

    Hirschelfen posses vertical irises that easily, and regularly expand to round irises. However, the use of vertical irises is no longer as functional as it was when they were originally created. In modern Hirschelfen day, they use the slit irises for display. Not very useful for day to day, most Hirschelfen don't understand why they even have it. However, being able to expand their irises for better dim-light vision and adjusting their far-distance to close-distance focus is quite the advantage.  Colour-wise, Hirschelfen see the same range of colour as humans do. (fun fact: Unlike humans, the mos common eye colour in Hirschelfen is blue.)

   Finally, Hirschelfen have almost the same set of teeth as humans do, but they have an extra set of powerful canine teeth used for foods such as raw meats or breaking small bones.

Quick Facts


  • Hirschelfen have a hightened immune systems and can not only withstand a multitude of human diseases, but can recover more major injuries.

  • Hirschelfen have retractable claws on their hands and feet.

  • Like cats, Hirschelfen have barbed toungs. Not quite barbed enough to take flesh off a bone, though. It's a mostly useless trait for them.

  • Hirschelfen can speak like humans, but also make similar noises to deer for asserting dominance towards another Hirschelfen. 

  • Though most Hirschelfen are usually quite pale, darker skintones are seen as completely normal in their society.

Notable Mutations


Avian Mutation

    The most notable, but rarer, mutations. A full avian mutation causes the recipient to have full feathered wings and feathers growing from their jaw and in some places replacing fur. A partial avian mutation, though less known in Hirschelfen society causes the recipient to have residual wings that may or may not sprout feathers and sometimes show down feathers growiing in replacement of fur in places.Few families carry the mutation, most notably the Oxford family, having the highest concentration of full mutations.


Cervidae Mutation

    One of the rarest mutations, the cerviadae mutation causes a male recipient to grow antlers once reaching full maturity, or out of environmental changes. Mutation is rare, and almost always skips a generation.

Last update 3/5/2020

Coming soon: index of Hirschelfen terminology. 

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